Author & Advocate

“I’m most grateful for life itself — having energy and vibrancy.  I want to live life as fully as possible and to help others to do so too.”

Education and Career

I obtained my B.S.W. at Northern Arizona University after which I followed through on my goal to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer. Following Peace Corp, I obtained a M.S.W. at the University of Washington in August 1996, and in that same month, began my career as a social worker for Washington’s child welfare system, minus 4 when I was in adult protective services. Though working in child welfare has been stressful and frustrating — because of the system structure and lack of resources — I can say that I have loved trying my best to help parents and families. 


I love traveling. From a little child traveling to Peru, travel has been in my DNA. As I was raising my two sons, I included traveling as part of their 'education', taking them to various countries: Ghana, Peru, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. Since my empty nest, I returned to Peru, did the Inca Trail, and explored much more, including an Amazon cruise. I also returned to Nigeria for a 30-year reunion to where I was a Peace Corps volunteer, and it was incredibly humbling and amazing to be back with some dear friends. My next adventure will be to Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica. It's fun to meet other travelers especially as I stay in hostels (more in my book coming out in 2025). 


I adore my sons who are doing well. They took flight in their lives and it's beautiful to see their confidence to go out and do their lives. I will always be available to help them in whichever way I possibly can. I’d give my life for them.

Fun Facts

  • I enjoy hiking to a mountain lake or walking along the waterfront.

  • I began CrossFit at 57 ½ years old, going 3 to 5 days weekly, catching the 6am class to kick off my day that way.  I was motivated to start to fight ever getting osteoporosis, but I continued because it’s cool to feel stronger.    

  • I love to dance to live music and go all the way back to almost a backbend when dancing, wondering at what age I’ll fall flat on my back – will keep trying it till that happens one day, maybe in my 80’s. 

  • I enjoy reading – joined a Book Club that also includes Wine -and playing Scrabble – missing the app. 

  • I plan to have another book out later this year and keep writing a book every year.


I welcome an opportunity to come speak with you and your group about my life experiences, whether about my experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer or as a woman and mother living with HIV/AIDS.